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Partner at Tulchan Group. Priest in Church of England. Bad dancer

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Spouse Appeal

On budget day it crossed my mind that we should be grateful that the days of the Chancellor of the Exchequer posing on the doorstep of Number 11 Downing Street with his red case in his left hand and his wife (generally looking hugely uncomfortable) in his right are long gone. 

However, it appears that the role of the spouse in garnering support for an individual in politics isn’t over yet.  The recent BBC interview with Justine Thornton, wife of Labour PM hopeful Ed Miliband was electric and not just because it let us into the secret world of the Milibands two-kitchen existence.   Thornton was hugely impressive and gave an honest and surprisingly vulnerable view of living with Ed that certainly won me over http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-31820175

Compare this to Michelle Obama –on the Ellen Degeneris Show in the US this week throwing some serious dance moves to promote a national fitness campaign and proving herself to be one of the best sports out there: http://www.capitalfm.com/artists/bruno-mars/news/michelle-obama-uptown-funk/ .  She’s human, and smart, and approachable and self-deprecating and funny.  

Our perceptions of The President and of Ed Miliband are augmented significantly through these two interactions. In a world where politicians can become two-dimensional, being given access to their spouses is a masterstroke– assuming of course the spouse in question is up to the job. The irony is that Ed Miliband as described by his wife is more plausible than Ed in front of the cameras. We feel that we can gather more about him as a person from his wife than we can from watching him live at the podium giving a bullet by bullet run-through of the as-yet unpublished Labour party manifesto.

Are there any lessons here for the corporate audience?  Any insight into a UK CEOs personal life is surprisingly rare at the moment.  

CEOtend to keep their spouses and their families away from their day jobs.  Richard Branson has come close by insisting that he will take his family into space (presumably whether they want to go or not) for what one must hope will be a return trip on his Virgin Galactic spacecraft.  

It will be interesting to see whether any other consumer brands with high profile CEOs 
choose to follow suit and wheel out the loved ones in support or the brands they are promoting.

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